Friday, January 10, 2014


Happy Schooling!

好久没有用开学快乐这句话了...哈哈... 想起大概十二年前,这句“开学快乐”每一年都会用。而且是学生字典里最不喜欢的字。因为假期完了,又要开学了,又要上课了...哈哈...

不过又想起现在,再过那一年半的大学生涯,就毕业了...从此以后,我就有工作快乐,WELCOME TO WORK LIFE, WELCOME TO SOCIETY... 想再开学快乐一下,都觉得回不去了...想起来还真有点舍不得...哈哈!除非我继续修读 MASTER 或者 PERMANENT HEAD DAMAGE...可能还能再多听几次开学快乐...哈哈!


这才刚开始一月的第一、二个星期,我就吃了很多顿大餐...尤其是寿司...就吃了四次...这样暴吃...能省下钱才怪 年头就来个大口福...希望上帝继续眷念我,让我一整年都跟食物有缘...哈哈...



走着走着.....我就看到POSTER,就跟mommy说:mommy你看,是小燕子... (VICKY ZHAO)...

好吧,我跟mommy都快把水果吃完了...财神就突然走向我们...装着打量我们...(好吧,其实我心里在发毛...财神爷,你想干嘛....) 突然财神哥就像拜年一样,给了我红包...给了白不拿?No way, 我就厚着脸皮拿了,其实也觉得不可能给你钱,拿了就看有什么玩意儿...哈哈...当然也给了我的mommy...

好吧,打开来看,里面有张纸,说了拿到RM300 VOUCHER,让过去就摆在我前面那个MARY CHIA BOOTH问详情...好吧,我就去问咯,都拿了...嘻嘻...

然后好幸运啊,我跟MOMMY都是拿到了价值RM300的voucher...当我看到其他的纸上写着RM100就觉得奇怪...我还以为每个人都是一样的,原来每份红包里装的都不一样...我跟母亲还真是幸运~ 两人都拿到一样的...

听着SALES GIRL解释解释,我就看来看去,唉?小燕子的照片?...
原来...小燕子是MARY CHIA的AMBASSADOR....好吧.... 什么运气啊...我就看了一眼POSTER,然后就赚到了VOUCHER...WOW,乐坏我了...好事总让我遇到.. (坏事滚吧,对你没兴趣。)


VOUCHER怎么用?当然是新年后啦~把自己养肥了,就来SLIMMING CENTRE咯。不然咧。哈哈!

Rock your fat? yes yes I will. Haha... 


我的FORUM 1,在经过老师的片头曲惊吓后...还是顺利的拿了个A...虽然只是15%,不过还真开心啊....
话说,为什么是惊吓呢?因为老师在片头时说了:WEI SIAO PING,what happened to you???? Why your marks like that????  还摆着一脸的失望和愤怒....

是的,确实把我吓了一身冷汗.. 我还以为我把FORUM 1 挂了... 原来老师跟我开了个玩笑....虚惊一场啊.......................

说个小故事,这个老师呢,以前我走着去上课的时候曾经看过他大概两三次...那时的我就想着,哇这个老师比较上年龄了,看起来他的知识肯定很不错...如果他能教我也挺不错的... 应该会从他那捞到不少知识...

结果。SEMESTER 2开课时,当这个老师走进来时....(心中暗自咬舌头,什么事那么灵啊.... )


【lucky me~ lucky day~】

Friday, January 3, 2014

My - 31.12.2013 & 1.1.2014


It's new year eve, what will everyone do on this new year eve??

celebrate, countdown, drink, have fun, gathering and so on...?

My 31.12.2013 is a little bit special here though... As I went to temple for prayers~! Teehee~

I've never imagine myself at this young age going temple for prayers especially on NEW YEAR EVE!
It should be like every youngster's night still young! Haha..

Anyhow, I do find myself peaceful and enjoy the prayers as well. It just because I have a lot a lot a lot gratitude for my life this year.. which I guess prayers is one of the way to express my gratitude towards the love that have been given to me. Haha...

Lets recall back, what 2013 meant for me.

February 2013 - iPhone 5 

I actually get a smartphone! A real smarty phone. LOL... not biscuit or keychain.. LOL...
How I get it? From my brother! Teehee!
It's not I won the lucky draw, but it is my brother who actually won it from a lucky draw contest.
Anyhow, in the end, I am the one who enjoy the beneficiary~ haha.. (Lucky me right..Buahaha... Now that I've increase the statistic of people who owned two phone alone..)

March 2013 - A RED New CAR! 

RED!!! I've always admired car with red, black and white colour. When they are clean and polished, it always look amazed. Haha..

My wish came true, I've got a red new car! Again, it is not that I have the ability to buy it fully, but daddy is the one! Haha~

With the help of vehicles, glad that I am no longer needed to wait for people to fetch me. But there is always one case where when you know how to drive, you feel like you want to become the passenger. Enjoy and sit like a boss is better than the driver isn't it? Haha...

Of course, thanks to my friend, Allan Tan for fetching me to uni and all the other places all the time. Haha.. Of course, I always know you have a hard time waiting for me to finally break out from my house door.. Sorry Allan.. you're just too good for me to bully you.. LOL...

November 2013 - Richard Clayderman Piano Show + A trip to Thailand + Super Good Results + Birthday 

November! It's my birthday month and I guess~ It's the most luckiest month ever!

After the long long years, I've finally got a chance to bring my beloved mom to watch Richard Clayderman's show~! My mom is kinda fans of R.C.. Haha...
As prince of piano, he is really outgoing and funny. I always thought that musical show will be boring, but actually it's not! It's really fun listen to the music and enjoy the show :D

The feeling of attending the piano show is really different.. Probably it because that special feel when you're playing R.C's song and now you're seeing him playing originally. (I meant LIVE VERSION). LOL...

Although I din't have a chance to take photo with him personally, but the night end with really beautiful love story and wonderful playing of Richard Clayderman~ A really satisfactory night with the surround of music! :D

Richard Clayderman on stage! (Couldn't really capture a clear photo) 

Next, Thailand! It's never a unfamiliar place for me who are actually a mixed. haha...

I've never thought of going overseas when I have no school breaks.
To enjoy the beneficiary that my parents planned, I actually skip for two days class and went to Thailand! Haha.. Well, Bangkok Thailand, of course I do spend a lot on shopping, but luckily everything there is way lots lots cheaper than M'sia!

How bout results?


Showing off my super good results! (I wonder will I have another chance to show off next time. Haha, never forget to show off things that happened once in a lifetime..) 

Talked about birthday!

I've actually got 2 birthday cake this year and treats from friends! Thanks for all the gifts from my beloved friends~ also thanks for the treats from all my friends. Hahaha...

One of the most funny treat I ever had at my birthday is that, I actually sit taxi and go to IOI Mall... and that's not a normal meter taxi but those camry taxi.. You'll not know that it's a taxi.. LOL... well, special. yet the destination itself make me laugh. LUXURY SERVICE TO IOI MALL. Haha.. However, I do enjoy myself cause I have never sit such taxi in my life. and who grant me this chance to enjoy this privilege?  Spencer~! Haha.. tq tq spencer~ wish your dream come true and become billionaire. Haha...

Secret Recipe + Strawberry sponge cake~
20 years old, of course we still celebrate it together just like the old times! :D
Tada~ All the gifts~! 

December 2013 - iPad Air, G Shock Watch

Guess what I've got for Christmas?


Gift of the year! 

Yeap, I've finally get an iPad I've dreamt of. Haha..

It's never thought of getting the iPad, as I always think that technology always change.. probably the next few months something new came out again.. Always, I already owned iphone and laptop, doesn't really thinking needing a tablet though.. But still, if I got a tablet, would be nice in making some of my notes taking life easier and of course, playing games is the best part! Ha-ha-ha-ha!

I wonder why I am so lucky this year, but still I really grateful for all those lucky things that happen~ Haha...

Next, A yellow colour G-Shock Watch.

Yellow colour, kinda matching with the snake skin colour though. Haha..
It another gift I received from my brother. Again, it is his lucky draw contest again, but in the end I am the one who beneficial from it! Haha.. Who lucky? WE BOTH. LOL...

One word to conclude for the whole 2013:-


Aside from all those little obstacles I've faced throughout the whole 2013, like.. Lost of patience, sickness, car key drop to the toilet bowl, overworked, rage anger, gossip, faker bla bla bla.....

Things that I gained from everyone who love me, friends & family, it ways much more precious than all those little little obstacles~ It's just like without rain, how can I probably see rainbow after it? Haha...

It really so so so so so lucky and thank you very much my lord, my guardian spirits, my friends, and the one who loved me especially my parents for always supporting me and bring lights to my life~ Thank you all for making this 2013 year so lucky and wonderful for me! love~! :DDDDD Oh, thank you snake snake for bringing me lucks~ Who knows it's really matching year of snake and roster? Haha... Coincidence or not, I thanked for everything that I've gained both physically and mentally. LOL.


New year! Welcome 2014, goodbye 2013!

2013 is never gonna come back again and I know I gonna missed it a lot. Haha...

12.00am, I am at temple praying with all my might. Give my gratitude for the year 2013 and welcome 2014 with full bless. Haha.. like so religious person (once in a lifetime again).. LOL...

The prayers actually end at 12.30am. It really amazed to see so many people went to temple during new year eve! Haha, the shrine hall is full of people, according to my parents, during 2013 new year, the shrine hall wasn't as full as this year. Haha.. Thank God, I guess many people actually get their luck a lot this year. Haha!

Went back home, chat with few friends with all those crazy and funny topics until super late night and tada, there goes my night. Haha...

Then on the next morning, the new year didn't really went smoothly. It because of some misunderstanding in planning with my parents, and it actually make me rage... LOL...

Well, stuff which are not good / passed already not worth talking about. Lets just talk about what's nice about the new year.

It's the new moon on new year! So, as usual, I am vegetarian for the day.

Of course, I doesn't want to end doing good deeds on new year, so I actually went to thien hou temple and did my prayers. :D

The actual planning was to visit orphanage house, but due to time management, it didn't happened. Anyway, it will happen soon enough. Haha...

I really like to go Thien Hou Temple. It mostly because of the architecture itself. To be honest, I am so bored of my uni's architecture.. LOL... Why did I say so?? Imagine... the whole building is just CLASSROOM AND BOX-STYLE ARCHITECTURE... oh my god... I am seeing it for years and years... It's just second year of seeing it... and I am already feel bored.. Not lively at all.. LOL... anyway, it's my own perception, probably I am just the type of person who need more outdoor views and fun.

Alright, did my prayers again at temple. Then of course, do some donation and so on..

Also, thanks for parents who fetch me and frenando there, because they are actually tired after all the morning activities...

Then of course, not to forget to take photos. Haha.. Will only went to thien hou temple once in a while, why not take photos? Haha (Photo-genetic me. lol)

am not ready yet. LOL... 
I guess it will look nice during the night? 
Hi Tiger, look here. LOL..  Spot the traditional snacks? (冰糖葫芦).. sweet and sour.. Nyummie..Haha
Act to kiss the lucky snake year. LOL.. lucky it is just fake snake, no venom. Haha.. 
I should ride horses.. but... urn.. Ha-Ha-Ha... 
Yea. Not tall enough. 
Acting foolish and mom witnessing with that expression. LOL... 
Just a pic that I like for the day. Am actually wearing the shirt I've received for birthday gift! Haha.. The size is Ngam ngam ho, thank Allan! LOL... 

【HAPPY 2013! HAPPY 2014!】

【Wish that 2014 is full of blessing as well~! :DDDDD 】

【May all my wish come true~! 心想事成~!2013 is really a 心想事成 year, lets wish 2014 is too!】