Saturday, May 26, 2012


所以起床后就和母亲一起去巴刹逛...XD.. 看到好多漂漂亮亮的衣服,真的是越看越喜欢..哈哈... 所以就决定买了一件...(本来想买2-3件的,不过想想,还是省钱的好!XD 毕竟我不愁穿啊,我愁钱。XD)

然后跟母亲看指甲油...母亲呢,现在爱漂亮了呢~!嘻嘻~~ 现在也觉得母亲轻松多,开心多了。毕竟经过了痛苦,想必一定有很多观念改变了吧。哈哈~ 然后就跟母亲一起去吃早餐,嘻嘻~早点起床其实真的很不错。=D

然后在Facebook随便看照片,看着看着,看到某个国家对狗下冻刑...都是针对些Husky,Rootweiler,Golden Retriever那些凶凶的狗下的刑...看着,我的眼泪不知不觉跟着落下了..狗虽然凶,但是也不会无缘无故的去咬人啊...除非是疯狗...而且黄金犬是很乖巧的狗,怎么会对人类做出攻击呢?我实在不明白...一只狗对人类的攻击,居然要千万只狗陪葬??难道每一只狗,都是一样的??或许对那些不了解狗的人来说是一样的吧。


最残忍的还是主人要亲自把爱犬送去实刑...居然要主人忍受如此疼痛,双手把爱犬带去送死... 看着实在心痛...因为我本人很爱宠物,所以一般来说,我无法理解,更是无法忍受...要是每个人能够学习了解,或许这种事情就不会发生。因为一个人的害怕,而要杀害千万个生命的话...那个人的罪孽,还可真多啊。XDD 如果倒转过来,冻刑是发生在你身上,那时的你,会怎么想呢?



在菜式卖肉的人,杀了12个小孩,而且专门杀大约12岁的儿童。然后再把他们的肉卖给其他人,还骗其他人说,是鸵鸟肉。而且还把他们的眼睛拿来酿酒!天啊,可怜的买主...应该不知道自己吃的是人肉吧!(⊙﹏⊙b汗) 人吃人,世界该末日了。唉!那个卖肉的人,被警察抓捕后,调查是一个曾经坐牢20年的犯人。看来是神经不好了吧,我想呢,你还是继续坐牢吧,在牢里自生自灭也好过出来做伤天害理的事,免得哪个受害者又要遭受失子之痛!



昨天,看完了《屋塔房王世子》!! 啊~~终于追完了,是一部很不错的电视剧,有点舍不得就这样结局的说。嘻嘻。。。XDD 演员们一直都在进步,真的很棒!XD 希望呢,接下来的电视剧,也会是一部不错的作品哦。=D

【但愿《希望之光》能指导人类走向正道。=) 】

Monday, May 21, 2012


Awww~~ finally done with the new look of my bloggie. XD
Spend more than hours to done this. :P Well, guess it is a good way to spend my time with since I am on my so called very free sem break.  (giggle~)

Well, lets refresh back all the May's memory..

1st week of May: Busying Anime (Exam was on 2nd week but still opt for Anime until weekends, giggle~)
2nd week of May: EXAM!! (Realize the last minutes fears and end up burning midnight oil everyday) XD
2nd weekend of May: WOW FANTASTIC BABY!! EXAM OVER. XD!! (I wanna dance-dance-dance~)
3rd week of May: Gathering with friends~ the purpose was actually temporarily farewell for Jing Wen, but it end up like.. messing around? however, have fun on the day~ XDD.. Then day continue with anime, drawing, read 3 page of a storybook. XD
4th week of May: which means this week, well, what I can recall things that I've done is GAMING.. yeap, until now I wasn't gaming, but I will continue gaming after bloging :P (game is just so addictive :P)

Owh, not to forget that 2nd week of May, RIGHT AFTER THE EXAM OVER, head over the cinema with Chin.. We watched "Avengers" and.. I couldn't stop laughing when I saw Captain America, I don't know why but I keep saying oh well, look, he command people again. XD Guess I am not attract by his power?? XDD
Then continue shopping at Popular Bookstore.. I am so happy back then cause I found kids DIY stuff and I plan to "play" with all the kids DIY. Hahaha..

and well. 3rd week of May, great news from Google where I am selected as a Google Student Ambassador.  At first I do doubt myself about my ability bla bla bla.. I do feel a little pressure, but later manage to get out from my doubt Thinking that, HEY LOOK, who doesn't have pressure? XD.. If I gonna fear it because I am not good in specific field, I won't improve then. If I master my weakness, I overcome myself. Double gain in both physical and mental. Haha.. So, conclusion, I gain my own motivation by thinking in a more positive way.. (giggle~) However, wonder who is the rest of the 119 Student Ambasssador? Haha~

well well well.. take away all the fun and... orientation is tomorrow... Lets see if I going to skip it or not.. :P Hahahahaha.. Buaiz~

By the way, since that incident, it have already been 2 years.. Time flies but memory kept. :)