Thursday, May 28, 2009

Happy Teacher's Day!!

On 28/5/2009, our school celebrate teacher's day...

Overall... there are some changes... like pss/prefect/class monitor involving in giving present to teacher... and all this and all that... haha... well.... conclusion is... more creativity lar~.. haha!!

Then~... because of something and something (perform and got choosen..this and that).... me + tec + PK + CK + Guang Jiunn + Jaclyn going to perform a drama (SILENT MOVIE) on Teacher's Day... and we have Ada as our narator...

But of course, before that... we must rehears!!!!!!!!!!!! at bilik bahasa.. we even open the air-cond... LOL!! did everything we like without permission except for entering the room... haha... but we don't have Chun Kit together with us for the rehears... =(
but he managed to do very well on 28/5/09... *clap*....
here some pictures to share~.....

ON 27/8/2009....

PK and Tec practice for the running... haha!!

TEC scolding PK and CK (Ada)... look at their emotion! *CLAP*!!!

Pelajar baik membaca buku... look at Jac! she is so cute!!!!!

Cikgu Kacak sayang sayang~ haha!!

erm? dadah?... haha!!

After for some time... some of us go find CK.. as we think that maybe he will come back school early and join us for rehears...
and on that time... I fell asleep... haha...

after long time of practice... (is just half day... but... it feel like very long time...XD!) and is time for home....! well... look at what we did ?...

at first... - clean - well arrange....

and.. it end up like this!! haha!!

okay... now is show time!!!

On 28/5/2009~

introduction + SCENCE 1... - good student vs bad student in the class..haha!

greeting greeting..~~

and good student always... read books...
and.... did you notice something ?...
"sleeping ULGY!" haha!!

Pelajar buruk... BIG SHOW sleep for all the time...
PK (FATTY) do nothing but dancing... mp3.. etc.etc....
then.... PK feel so boring..~~ he got idea to kacau the good student..haha!

Jac get kacau 1st~~ and the Nerd is looking all the scence~~
then.... NERD VS FATTY... pelajar baik gang WIN!!(HOOORAY~~~!!)
and that FATTY not satisfied and went to complain to someone... who is....... ahem... ahem... more big size..!!! O.O!!!! after hearing FATTY bla bla bla... BIG SHOW get ANGRY!!! O.O!!!!!

and here comes the BIG SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OHhh~~!!!! (surprise with that big size!)

and BIG SHOW wanna fight with NERD!!!! wooo~~~

NERD pushing BIG SHOW... ( unable to~... haha!!)

Just one hand ticker on the head and Nerd fly to the floor~~.... haha!!!
and then BIG SHOW together with FATTY kick the NERD... pelajar baik unable to stop them... suddenly!!!! CIKGU KACAK telah muncul~! haha!!!


Cikgu Sayang Sayang NERD....

after that... CIKGU KACAK comparing pelajar baik and pelajar buruk....

Pelajar buruk~............. XD...

after finish his comparison... CIKGU KACAK wants to punish pelajar buruk....

aiming to cane BIG SHOW....


SCENCE 2 - smoking in the toilet....

ajak NERD to smoke... NERD rejected and run for his life~..haha!!!

BIG SHOW and FATTY hisap dengan syok sekali... and again... CIKGU KACAK telah muncul~! haha!! BIG SHOW + FATTY get caught by CIKGU KACAK and they get DIMERIT!..

caughing cause of smoke~...

BIG SHOW trying to act innocent... haha!!

Both BIG SHOW and FATTY not satisfied... and they plan to do something...

SCENCE 3 - After school~~~........

come... lets go do our plan...

together sketch the CIKGU KACAK's car (TOYOTA in A4 size)!!! haha!!

Ooiiiiiii!!!!!! (MY CAR!!!)

FATTY RuNN~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CIKGU Kejar!!!!!!!

they run till the whole dataran + slow motion + stop (drink water 1st) then 1,2,3 continue RUN!!... haha...
it was so funny... at first FATTY was saying he just going to run till the half of dataran... but.. he bring TEC run the whole dataran.. jump over other student too!! haha!!!

In the end, BIG SHOW + FATTY dibuang sekolah + public caning....

FATTY get cane.....
and cane.....
BIG SHOW ditarik keluar....
and our show is finish~!!!!! THANK YOU!

At last, it is really glad that all the students enjoy our show...
even teachers!! they enjoy too!!! haha....
It is really happy to hear all the laughing sound!!
Finally, Thanks to Ada for becoming our narator... and thanks to all of you (TEC, CK, PK, JAC, Guang Jiunn) for spending time and giving out lots of ideas for this drama...

Friday, May 1, 2009



Today, it was a very interesting day for me...

六点就起床,过后就随同父亲去在SETIA ALAM举办的“BREAKFAST RUN”... 我父亲是去工作而我就是去凑热闹的啦!因为喜欢看别人跑。。。自己却跑不动(够力)。。哈哈。。

我们的destination是SETIA ALAM WELCOME CENTRE。结果,8.30才到场。。因为。。。迷路了!哈哈!!绕了好几圈才到。。。

SETIA ALAM真是不错,空气好,又没塞车。。更没有那些碍眼的建筑物。。。真爽~~~

然后,就是一些“BREAKFAST RUN”的照片啦!大多数都是老年人、成年人。。他们都很厉害呢!竟然可以跑完21KM!!!!!!!小孩也有,勇气可嘉!! 而在六月时,将会举办一个45KM的长跑!!!

after long run and here they are to enjoy the food~~~~

接下来就是一些PRESS CONFRENCE的照片啦~~~~~有来自THE STAR, NEWS STARIGHT TIME的记者。。这次我又赚到啦,可以跟记者一起吃早餐。。哈哈!!!而我父亲呢,就很高兴(SS)。。因为我有拍他的照片。。哈哈!


羽毛球场和 2 in 1 的羽毛球+篮球场。
羽毛球场都是RUBBERISED的,这样就不容易滑倒。可能连滑倒的机会都少得可怜呢!哈哈!原本要拍“2 in 1”的照片,可是因光线不足,拍到不太好看,所以就没放上BLOG啦~!哈哈!


最后,我父亲的同事 - ALVIN 就有教我怎么拍照。。还给我拿他3000多块的CANON相机来学拍。。哈哈!!整体上,真的学了不少东西,也看了很多东西。。哈哈。。感觉很不错。也谢谢我父亲的同事,教了我那么多拍照的知识。哈哈!

thats all~!
OhOh~!! bE hApPiE!!~~